For all the guests of hotel Blaža in Ðakovo, but also for all who may be interested, restaurant of our hotel offers almost unlimited offer of food and drink totally adjusted to your taste or possible health and/or religious demands.
Tradition of cooking in region of Slavonia is extraordinary long and rich. And hotel Blaža in Ðakovo further expands it with its experience; with love towards our region and care about our guests.
Beside this, we offer you wide choice of global gastronomic offer. |

No matter what the occasion may be, if you wish to host yourself and your guests in your own environment or any other location of your choice, hotel Blaža in Ðakovo can still help you and be your support and partner when organizing your festivities. Careful choice of food, drinks and decorative elements is absolutely crucial. And exactly because of this reason, our team of professionals will prepare menu according to your wishes and serve it with exact same level of high quality as you would normally get in our hotel. |
