No matter what is the cause, feel free and confident to leave organization of your celebrations and festivities to hotel Blaža in Ðakovo. |
Weddings and engagements
No matter if it is about your wedding or engagement, as the first step towards your cohabitation in marriage, it is one of those moments that you will remember with joy throughout your life. And exactly this is the reason why all has to be perfect and without any mistake. There is a lot of details which all have to fit into their positions in order to have a perfect wedding for both you and all your guests. You are the stars of the evening and all has to be done in such way so that you can enjoy it most. And because of that, leave the organization of your wedding to hotel Blaža in Đakovo. Optimal capacity of the hall is 400 persons, and newly weds will get to spend the night in our wedding apartment free of charge. Members of our staff are professionals in their work for almost 20 years and a lot of newly weds have convinced themselves in the quality of our service. Convince yourself as well. Reserve your date on +385 31 816 760 or by email. |
Birth of a child is, according to many of us, the happiest moment in a life of every family. Arrival of new life is a blessing like no other and a luck that many cannot experience. Baptism is the first of the sacraments, a beginning of a journey, the biggest event among variety of big moments that will follow. This is why for “the best”, the type of celebration can also never be any less good. Let your newly born child even in its youngest days experience the comfort and professionalism of services of hotel Blaža in Đakovo. We will arrange your celebration of baptism totally according to your wishes and needs. Notify us by phone +385 31 816 760 or by email. Show us your trust so we can share your joy in the happiest moment of your family. |
Children’s birthdays
Happy childhood is priceless wealth of every child before the serious tasks of life that stand before everyone. And celebration of birthday, with no doubt, has a special place in life of every child. Celebrate your kid’s birthday in hotel Blaža, where you will find a joyful atmosphere with lots of laugh. Menu and entertainment will be made according to your wishes and all will be set for maximum happiness of your child and your little guests. Call us by phone +385 31 816 760 or by email. |
Senior prom (Leaver’s ball)
Dream of every teenager is to finish school. For most of us, fight with educational system finishes exactly here. It is a doorstep of maturity, end of one big era and start of one even bigger. It is celebrated by a traditional senior prom or leaver’s ball. For this unique event we offer you a full service. Your ball will be organized with highest standards of quality and professionalism. According to your own wish you can create menu and everything else; or you can leave all to us and enjoy without worries in a big hall with optimal capacity of 400 persons. Dance until dawn and party without end. As it is, senior prom is something you have only once in your life. Countless generations of high school graduates have convinced themselves in top quality of service in hotel Blaža in Đakovo. Contact us with trust on the phone +385 31 816 760 or by email. |
To be an academic citizen, means to be a part of group of less than 8% of total population of Croatia. Success that cannot be achieved by anyone is without a doubt big reason for celebration. You can start your journey into restless waters of corporative business with a celebration in hotel Blaža in Đakovo. Honour yourself and people that are close to you with high quality service and faultless organization of your party. Let yourself to be special because there is no request that is impossible for us. Contact us. Phone: +385 31 816 760 or by email. |
Wedding anniversary
In modern times, which over the years more and more subtract the place of tradition in our lives, in times where rhythm of life and number of divorces are growing, wedding anniversary becomes a crown of tradition in family life. It is a reminder that you succeeded and a motive to offer yourself and your family only the best there is. In hotel Blaža in Đakovo, we are very familiar with these facts and we give a lot of attention towards preserving tradition and promotion of institution of marriage and family. Since we know that life is full of stress where by taking care of others we often forgot ourselves, in the specials moments let yourself a comfort that we take care of you. Treat yourself in a romantic atmosphere adjusted to the situation, which will, according to your wishes, be arranged by our professional staff. Notify us in advance and claim your date and time by phone +385 31 816 760 or by email. |
Funeral repasts
Loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult moments that will happen to you once along your way. It is always sudden and always catches you when you are not ready. In a moment when you do not want to be alone and to deal with tiring details, rely yourself on the speed and professionalism of our staff. Hotel Blaža in Đakovo will organize your funeral repasts totally according to your wishes. Menu that you will choose and atmosphere that suits you. In your difficult moments, we are with you 24 hours per day on the telephone +385 31 816 760 |
From birth until death, your life is full of moments that you will wish to remember, celebrate with your loved ones and that you will wish to make unforgettable and unique. Give us your trust and allow us that hotel Blaža in Ðakovo can be your constant and reliable partner and escort throughout your life. In your happy and sad moments, in good and bad days, hotel Blaža in Đakovo is a place where you will return because we always offer you exactly what you need in order to have a good and fulfilling life. |